Mompreneur Mastery: Simple Instagram Strategy for Busy Moms

Instagram Time-Wasters That Are Killing Your Sales (And What to Do Instead)

Sydney O'Brien Season 1 Episode 67

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Instagram can be your business's best friend or that toxic time-sucking frenemy.

If you're tired of spending hours creating, posting, and chasing trends only to see little or no sales, this episode is for you!

Today, I'm breaking down the biggest Instagram time-wasters and what to do instead to turn your efforts into sales.

Plus, since it’s Cyber Monday, I’ve got a special deal for you that you won’t want to miss.


5 Steps to Sales on Instagram Training 

Create a month of Instagram content that is strategized for sales in the free 5-day Plan it, Post it, Profit Challenge

Music courtesy of Pixabay


Instagram can either be a powerful sales tool or a giant time suck. And for unfortunately, a lot of us. Kind of the ladder. You spent hours brainstorming, creating and posting on Instagram only to sit back and you get. Crickets. No engagement, no sales, or maybe you're even getting engagement and you're getting likes and comments, but. The no sales part sticks. It's not translating into sales. And it just feels like. You wasted so much of your time and energy. If that is you, you're definitely not alone. Most of us waste way too much time on Instagram doing things that don't actually move the business needle. So today I'm going to be sharing the biggest Instagram time-wasters and what to do instead. Spoiler alert said about spending more time on the app. It's about spending. Your time, the right way. Instagram can either be your business's best friend or that toxic friend who drains your energy and gives nothing back. No one likes that. If you've been spending hours. Creating and editing and posting and chasing trends. And you're not seeing results. You're not actually getting sales from your efforts. And you're tired of wasting your time. This is the episode for you. Today, I'm breaking down the biggest Instagram time-wasters that are holding you back and what you can do instead to actually make sure your strategy is helping support your business. And because today is cyber Monday, I've got a little something special for you at the end. So definitely stick around. All right. The biggest, biggest one is posting without a purpose. This one is killer. If you were posting just to stay consistent, just to have something to throw up on your feed, but there's no purpose behind your content. You're getting that consistency part. But it's not actually helping your business. Consistency alone does not pay the bills without a clear goal. Your content is just out there existing, but not doing anything. You want all of your posts to work together to attract. Your ideal followers and guide them into becoming a. Paint client. If you're posting without a purpose, your posts, aren't doing that. So think about the intention and the purpose behind every post. And make sure each post hits that goal. You don't have to post every day to make sure that this happens. It's about quality over quantity, you can be consistent and still post less frequently. Time-waster number two is hopping on every single trend. Now don't get me wrong. I love a good real trend. There are some really funny ones out there. Um, and that are super applicable to business owners. But. If you were hopping on every trend, just hoping for more reach and hoping to go viral. You're doing yourself a disservice. Not every trend is your friend. I just did a monthly training for my post with purpose members about reels and meme reels. And. Trends. And how to find the right ones and strategize them because you don't want to do every single one you come across that you think is funny or cute or cool. Click on the audio and scroll down a little while and see who else is posting on this trend. If it's no one that's even remotely related to your business, like if it's all mom influencers and you help grandpa's. Learn how to convert a word doc into a PDF. Um, that trend is not for you. Because all of that reach that that audio is getting is going to the audiences that aren't your specific audience. So it's just a waste of your time. So make sure other people in your industry are hopping on this trend. Or, uh, even like complimentary industries, if it's not your specific industry. So if no other social media manager or like Instagram strategist has hopped on a trend yet, but I've seen other like email marketers or,, You know, website designers, something like that, where it's a complimentary industry. I would still do the trend if I felt like it. Time-waster number three is focusing on vanity metrics. I hate vanity metrics. I get it like seeing the likes and the comments rolling. It feels really great. And it is so validating. But likes aren't sales likes don't necessarily translate to sales and engagement from the wrong people. Isn't actually helpful for your account or for your business when you're chasing likes and follows and comments instead of like meaningful engagement. You're wasting your time on metrics that don't necessarily translate into money. Focus on metrics that matter. Focus on. Link clicks, focus on DMS. Focus on saves, focus on comments, but like meaningful comments, not just like the couple of emojis. You want comments that start conversations? Comments that can foster connection and build trust. I see all the time instagram accounts saying, use these audios to go viral or use these hooks to go viral. It's not really about going viral. You can go viral and not make a single sale if the content isn't related to your business, if it's not you know, strategize to help your business, but what will help you make sales? Even if you don't go viral. Is a strategy. And focusing on actionable metrics instead of vanity metrics. But like here's the truth. Instagram is full of distractions. The app itself isn't made for businesses, although that's what we use it for. So getting caught up in what works for Instagram. To help you get those metrics. Isn't necessarily, what's going to help your business. And it is so easy to waste hours doing things that don't help your business when you focus on. The Instagram part and not the translating Instagram and to helping your business part. But when you have a strategy, like a proven roadmap that you can follow, you get to spend less time. On the app on creating content on everything Instagram related and actually get results that help your business. Uh, strategy helps you know exactly what to post and why you're posting it. It helps you stop guessing and start creating with purpose. So you can post less, but with more quality and know that all of your posts are working together to guide your followers down the buyer journey to eventually become paying clients. So basically you could just spend less time on Instagram while making more sales and who doesn't love that because I know I have a million other things to do saving time anywhere would be amazing. That is what makes the difference between showing up and hoping for sales, doing the post and pray method. versus showing up and actually getting them. That is exactly what my five steps to sales on Instagram strategy is all about it's simple. It's duplicatable. And it works. It has helped hundreds of mompreneurs stop wasting time and start seeing more sales on Instagram. And because it is cyber Monday. I have got something super special for you. You can get access to the full trading that goes over the strategy. That'll show you exactly how to use Instagram. With purpose so you can stop wasting time and actually get more sales. And for today only. You can grab this training. For only$37. So you can. Stop guessing on what you should be posting. Stop hopping on endless trends. Stop chasing vanity metrics that don't translate into actual sales. Start knowing what to post. To get consistent sales from your Instagram efforts. I'll put the link in the show notes because it is today only. December 2nd. Up until midnight or like 1159. Whatever. But where you will save$60. Um, the five steps to sales on Instagram strategy training. Instagram does not have to feel like a black hole of wasted time. When we cut out the habits that we talked about. The time wasters. And when you follow an actual strategy, you spend less time on it while getting way better results. So if you're ready to stop guessing and start making sales, grab that trading for just$37 for today only.