Mompreneur Mastery: Simple Instagram Strategy for Busy Moms
You ever think to yourself, "what the heck do I post to my Instagram account?!"
You want to get more comments, but the tips and hacks you try just aren't cutting it. And you're a busy mompreneur, so you don't have the time to do a ton of research to get it done. But you know an engaged account is what's going to help you sell your offers on Instagram.
I get it. And I've been there! Mompreneur Mastery is all about helping mompreneurs strategize and plan their Instagram content so that they can spend less time on it, while making more sales, so they can spend more time with their families.
You'll get actionable support and tips from a certified Instagram Strategist, Sydney O'Brien, that you can do while your kid is giving you those glorious 15 mins of peace a quiet that seem way too rare.
Get started with this free content calendar, 1 Month of Conversation Starters, that will help you know what to post to get more comments on your posts: https://www.sociallyyours.biz/content-calendar
Mompreneur Mastery: Simple Instagram Strategy for Busy Moms
Audit For Profit 2: Increasing Instagram Engagement
Ever hit "post" on Instagram and waited for those likes, comments, and DMs to roll in... only to hear crickets? Or maybe you’re crossing your fingers every time, hoping your next post finally catches fire. Been there, felt that, and I know it’s frustrating.
That’s exactly why this episode is all about moving from “post and pray” to actual, meaningful engagement—where you’re not just throwing spaghetti at the wall. Because let’s face it, as busy moms running businesses, we don’t have time to waste on posts that aren’t working for us.
Today, we’re diving into how to audit your Instagram engagement so you know what’s working, what’s not, and where to double down for real results.
Send me your engagement audit takeaways on IG
Music courtesy of Pixabay
You ever shared something on Instagram? Thinking it was going to get comments or just hoping it was going to get comments and then just to hit post and end up with crickets. It's super frustrating and I totally get that feeling. But I want you to know there's a better way than doing what I call the post and pray. This is episode two in the audit for profit series. And we're going to be talking about how to audit your content to get more engagement. So that you can spend your time wisely and actually see results. Welcome to episode 64 of mom. Prenuer mastery simple Instagram strategy for busy moms. I know the word audit can make you cringe a lot, but I promise it's not scary. It's not an IRS audit. We're just auditing Instagram and it's fine because it will actually increase your sales and make sure the effort you're putting into your Instagram presence is quite literally paying off. And I know that you are a business owner. And a mom. And a lot of times that means you're also your own bookkeeper, customer service associate, you know, email manager. You wear all of these hats just in your business. Not even, I'm not even going to do the list for moms because it's just, it's too much. You know, cause we're also a lot of the time, the default parent, the primary caregiver, it's a lot, you can't be expected to be an Instagram strategist as well. That is why I am here to help you. And I know that you do not have time to waste on fluff, that isn't going to get you results that you need, that your business needs. And that is why we do audits, right. It kind of looks at what is working and what isn't, so we can make sure the time we are putting into Instagram. Is focusing on that part that is working. We can expand that we can scale it and make it work even better. Without wasting time. Because when you're just throwing spaghetti at a wall. That's exactly what's happening. You're wasting your own time and your efforts, and you're not going to get the results that you want. You're not going to get the sales that your business and your family needs. So let's not do that. Today, we're going to be talking about auditing. For engagement, right? Engagement is just like the lifeblood of Instagram. When you get more engagement, it does two really, really, really big things. One. It increases your reach on that post to both followers and non followers who are in a similar audience as the ones that are engaging. So if you get engagement from people that are in your specific target audience. So if I post and I get a ton of people commenting that are. Mom business owners wanting to learn more about Instagram. Instagram is going to show my post to more mom business owners that want to learn more about Instagram. It's pretty awesome. We all want that. Right. More leads, more potential clients and customers. And yes, it'll even show it to more of your followers because not every follower sees every post Instagram doesn't automatically put it in every followers. Feed when you share a post. So the more engagement you get and the more quickly you get it after you hitting post. The more reach, it will get, the more Instagram will notice it and be like, oh, Hey, this is good content. Let's share it to more followers. So that is why we want to audit our engagement. Because when we don't get that engagement, we don't get the views. We lose out on opportunities to connect and build trust with our audience. So that down the line. They will convert into clients or customers, right. And engagement is actually the second step in my five steps to sales on Instagram strategy. Because you have to have this part to be able to go on and build that connection and that trust and actually sell. Right. So it's important. Strategy-wise, it's important for the algorithm. It's important for you so that, you know, you're not just winging it and then feeling disappointed in like you've wasted so much of your time and energy when you could've been doing something that was much more productive and with a greater payoff. Right. So we want to audit for engagement so we can get more engagement to have a strategy that can down the line lead to sales. Because there is a huge difference between being active on Instagram and being effective on Instagram. And honestly, if you have the effective piece down, you don't have to be as active on Instagram. I don't post every day for sure. Posting and praying. Just coming up with any old, random post and hoping it gets some kind of engagement or interaction is activity without strategy. You might get some random likes, a random couple of comments, but it's not driving the engagement that you need to build community to build trust and to eventually get the sales that you want. So we don't want to focus our time and energy on things that aren't going to get us at payoff. We have. Sibling arguments to mediate snacks, to distribute homework, to help with, you know, doctor's appointments to schedule a million other things. Let's focus on the things that we know will get the results that we need. So that we can get the more views so that we can get the more interactions so that we can get the community and the trust. And eventually the sales. Engagement is more than just a number. It can very much be a vanity metric, but again, it's also an indicator that people care about what you're sharing. And the more they engage, the more you can build the trust, foster the community and turn those followers that are engaging into clients. So, what I want you to do is check your insights. Insights on Instagram are just this huge wealth of data that you need to know so that you can make sure your strategy is actually working for you or develop a strategy that actually works for you. If you don't currently have one. So if you check your insights and filter your past posts, Bye you know, once they get the most comments, because that's what we really want is like quality comments on our posts. Not vanity metrics. You'll notice some trends in those posts and be able to repurpose those. Post topics or the specific format of the post or the type of call to action you used, you know, you can look at whether it was a funny post. If those get more comments, if it's more of a helpful, or value-driven post, if it's talking more about pain points than it is like reaching goals, if it's positive or negative in that way. What trends do you notice in your content that you can replicate in the future? That way when you're working through your five steps to sales strategy. When you're at that engagement stage, you know exactly what to post and how to frame it, to get the engagement that you need. So I want you to go to your insights. Do the last, maybe three months. Filter those posts by the ones that have gotten the most comments. And see what trends you notice there. Like, as an example for me, I know when I share more personal stories kind of storytelling post relating my life to my business. I always get more comments on those. So anytime I'm going through the five steps to sales strategy, when I hit that engagement stage, I know one or two of those posts are going to be personal stories. So that I can get that engagement. I want to have the rest of my strategy work well. But it's not even just about posts, knowing what to post, right? Because your Instagram presence is more than just what is in your feed. It is how you also interact with others. So if you are not. Doing any engagement with your followers or with other accounts on Instagram that your followers might also be following? You're also going to miss out on engagement. So make sure you're doing that as well. So I'm going to give you some homework for this week. Like I said, head to your Instagram, look at your insights, filter it by the last three months of posts you've made and the ones that got the highest comments. And I want you to look for a couple of key things here. What topics come up a lot. In those top posts. What calls to action you are using? Like, how are you wording it? What exactly are you asking people to do? And that they're following through. And also the format. So. Is it a story post? Is it a case study? Is it you know, educational posts, things like that. Look for those. Three key things. And keep that in mind when you're creating posts that you want to get more engagement. Because once, you know what drives engagement. You can create content that speaks directly to what your audience cares about. That is how you build the loyal, engaged, following that is going to be more primed to buy from you. Because like I said, once you have that engagement. You can move on to build the connection. You can move on to build the trust, and then you can move on to get the sales. It saves you so much time and so much guesswork. By one, having a strategy and to auditing your content, to make sure that your efforts are aligning with your strategy. And with the holiday season, right around the corner now is the ideal time to audit your engagement so you can fine tune your strategy. So that you can start to get that engagement and then get that connection. And then build the trust in time for black Friday sales. So definitely check out your insights and look for those three key things. Call to action. The formatting of the post and the general topics as well. And I would love it. If you would send me a message on Instagram with any big takeaways or insights that you find my handle is at socially dot yours dot strategist. And I would love to hear from you. Also if you're finding this series helpful, Because you want to have a strategy for sales in as little time as possible with taking the guesswork out of it. Make sure you are on my email list because I have a super amazing black Friday offer that is all about auditing your Instagram strategy. So that you can go even deeper into this audit to maximize your results. While saving a ton of time and effort on your end. All right. Thank you so much for tuning in now. Go out there, check your insights. Send me a message on Instagram at socially dot yours dot strategist. And if you want more tools and a super special black Friday offer, make sure you're on my email list. I will put a link in the show notes and I will talk to you again next week for part three in the audit for profit series.